Eten M550 Overview

Primary Camera
1.3 MP

Selfie Camera
2 MP

About Eten M550

Eten was announced model M550 on 2006 April

M550 body and color options

Eten made their M550 model rectangle 61mm on 112mm with thikness 22mm.

1 colors are available for Eten M550, white.

Screen on M550 is built as TFT resistive touchscreen, 65K colors, at a moment M550 had screen larger size than 94% of devices in mobile market, by it's 2.8 inches, 42 x 57 mm, 24.3 cm2 (~35.5% screen-to-body ratio) display with resolution 240 x 320 pixels having ratio 4:3 and density 143 pixels in 1 inch square. Some other information about screen

  • Handwriting recognition

About Eten M550 camera

The model has 1.3 megapixels lens. And another extra options are 1., LED flash. Video recording on this device is supported.

This devide got 1.3 mega pixels front lens. Few another additional info are No.

Is this beast?

Samsung 2440 400 MHz processor is installed on M550.

Storage on this device is 64 MB RAM, 128 MB ROM, microSD is available SD/SDIO, under the hood is Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 PocketPC.

Connections, connections,

M550 has bands GPRS and 2G. , GSM.

I/O on Eten M550 are Bluetooth 1.2, USB.

M550 features

Additional features on the model are - Pocket Office - eBook reader - Windows MPlayer 10 - Organizer - Voice memo.

Let's talk a bit about battery - battery is most important thing on device at the moment Removable Li-Ion 1440 mAh battery.

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