Samsung C520 Overview

Primary Camera
0.3 MP

Selfie Camera
2 MP

Samsung C520 details

Model C520 was presented in April 2007

Few words about speed

Storage on this model is 600 KB, no external card slot available.

Samsung C520 features

Few features on the model are - Predictive text input - Organizer.

Let`s talk about battery , it is most frequent asked thing on phone at the moment Removable Li-Ion 750 mAh battery.


Samsung engineers made C520 as 45.1mmX84.4mmX18.2mm.

You can own this C520 in white, red and black.

Samsung C520 display is built with technologies TFT, 65K colors, on that point current model was winning only 10% available phones by diplay size, enforced by 1.67 inches, 8.8 cm2 (~23.1% screen-to-body ratio) display with resolution 128 x 160 pixels with density 123 ppi.

Talking about camera

This model has 0.3 megapixels lens. In general there is no any features to tell about. This device main camera does not video. This is quite good for instance one of available devices at the moment, Motorola W395, This model has 0.3 mega pixels lens. Some another additional features are 1. Video recording on Samsung C520 is available

In C520 Samsung designers decided to empower with 0.3 megapixles front facing sensor. Few another additional properties are No.

Connections, connections,

C520 supporting networks GPRS and 2G. , GSM.

I/O on Samsung C520 are Radio FM radio, USB.

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