Spice Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X
Spice Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X

Spice Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X Overview

Primary Camera
2 MP

Selfie Camera
1.3 MP

Spice Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X overview

In winter 2014, at January Spice announced their new model Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X

Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X features

Some features on the Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X are - MP4/WMV/H.263 player - MP3/WAV/AAC+ player - Photo/video editor - Voice memo.

Let`s talk a bit about battery - battery is most important thing on device in nowdays Li-Ion 1500 mAh battery.

Accelerometer sensors are supported on Spice Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X.

Spice Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X camera specifiactions

The model got 2 megapixels sensor. Basically nothing any info to tell about. Video recording on this device is available. This is not bad for instance one of available devices at the moment, Sony Xperia E1, This model got 2 mega pixels camera with opening of camera f/2.5. Few another extra features are 3. Video recording on main camera of Spice Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X is supported with SVGA@20fps variants

2 million pixels selfie camera is put in Spice Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X. And another additional info are 1.

Device is enforced

card slot is supported microSD, up to 32 GB, operating system is Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean).

Connections, connections,

This model supporting bands EDGE, GPRS and 2G. , GSM.

Communication types on Spice Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X are GPS A-GPS only, USB microUSB, Radio FM radio, WLAN, Bluetooth.

Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X physical

Spice made their Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X model rectangle 63mm on 119.9mm with thikness 11.5mm.

Spice designers have put lot of efforts applied to their new model 1 colors, silver.

On Mi-356 Smart Flo Mettle 3.5X maiden with technologies TFT capacitive touchscreen, on that point current model was winning only 5% devices available by larger display, which is 3.5 inches, 36.5 cm2 (~48.3% screen-to-body ratio) screen with resolution 320 x 480 pixels having proportions 3:2 and with density 165 pixels in 1 inch square multitouch is supported.

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